Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) is an important organ of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting which was initally created in 1956 under the Ministry of Industries to enforce Newsprint control. Later on in 1958, it was transferred to the Ministry of Information in order to carry out the responsibility of circulation audit of the print media.
In order to ensure representation of the federating units the 3rd Interprovincial Information Minister’s Conference, held at Nathiagali on August 27-28, 1992, decided to establish a Provincial Assessment Committee (PAC) for making assessment of net paid circulations of newspaper/periodicals in their respective regions. Now PACs is mandated to give recommendations for subsequent approval of Director, ABC.
Presently, the headquarter of ABC is located at Islamabad with its Regional Offices at Lahore and Karachi. The office at Islamabad is headed by a Director (BS-19) while the offices at Karachi and Lahore are supervised by an Assistant Director (BS-17).